“Welcome home: Phone” is a super easy Decorative Painting project, that’s perfect if you are a beginner painter or if you have never painted before!
Usually, Decorative Painting projects are related to a specific season or holiday. However, both with Welcome home: Phone and Tablet, I did something different. I thought that both projects would have been great as a present, maybe for someone who is always looking for the phone (me???).
Not to mention the fact that this is a double-face decoration, so you have 2 projects in 1 pattern, so you can change the decoration according to your mood!
With this design you can really practice with many basic Decorative Painting techniques creating a unique decoration in a few steps!
If you want to learn something more about the techniques I used, check out some tutorials on my YouTube channel: what is a pattern packet, what are the basic things to have or how to prep the surface.
Welcome home: Phone is a Decorative Painting design painted on a wooden phone holder, but you can adapt the decoration to anything you want. For example, a wooden box would look awesome!
So, do you also want to paint your own project??? You can find the packet with complete step by step instructions and linedrawings at the SHOP section!